Suicide true or false
Suicide true or false
Suicide (from the Latin suicidium, sui caedere, meaning "to kill oneself") is deliberately acting to cause its death. Suicide is often caused by hopelessness, which is attributed to mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, psychosis, alcohol addiction or drug abuse. [1] Stress factors such as financial difficulties or problems in interpersonal relationships. Often there is a role. Efforts to prevent suicide include limiting access to firearms, treating mental illness and preventing drug use, and improving economic development.
Related spiritual threads:
Even if he dies by committing suicide, he will have to come back here to repay the loan. If there is a human, then there will be grief on his head, but for him do he commit suicide somewhere? The fruits of suicide are very bitter. God forbids him, very bad fruits come. One should not even consider committing suicide. Whatever such debt is, it should make sense to give back, but should not commit suicide.
The most common method used to commit suicide varies by country and is partly related to availability. Common methods include the following: hanging, drinking insecticide poison, and guns. Approximately 8,00,000 to 10,00,000 people commit suicide every year, due to which it is the world's number one cause of human death. [1] [2] Its rate is higher in women than men, compared to women in men. The probability of it occurring is three to four times higher. [3] An estimated 10 to 20 million non-fatal suicide attempts occur each year. [4] Attempts are more common in youth and women.
Thoughts of suicide are influenced by broader existential themes such as history honor and the meaning of life. Abrahamic religions traditionally consider suicide to be a sin committed by God because they believe in the sanctity of life. In the samurai era in Japan, seppuku was considered a form of atonement or opposition to failure. Sati, now legally prohibited, is a Hindu cremation related to the sacrifice of the widow on her husband's funeral pyre, under the pressure of her own will or family and society. [5]
Suicide and attempted suicide were formerly criminally punishable, but are no longer so in Western countries. It is still a punishable offense in many Muslim countries. In the 20th and 21st centuries, suicide as a form of self-immolation is a method of protest and kamikaze and suicide bombings are used as military or terrorist tactics. [6]
Related spiritual threads:
Even if he dies by committing suicide, he will have to come back here to repay the loan. If there is a human, then there will be grief on his head, but for him do he commit suicide somewhere? The fruits of suicide are very bitter. God forbids him, very bad fruits come. One should not even consider committing suicide. Whatever such debt is, it should make sense to give back, but should not commit suicide.
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