We have to change our thinking: -

We have to change our thinking: -www.jagatgururampaljiorg.com

 ◆ As we see pornographic images, pornography arises because that provocative idol sparked the inside, the petrol started smoldering. Please give such pictures

 ◆ As we read the biography of the patriots and see the idol, there is patriotism in us. If there is such a picture in the house, there is no harm.

 ◆ If we read and listen to the biographies of saints, saints and good-natured citizens, then we become calm and we think of becoming good citizens. Therefore we are in great need of saints and satsangs where good ideas are told.

 ◆ We bathe our little daughter, dress her. Like this
 all do. The same daughter goes to her in-laws after marriage. Other's daughter comes to our house as daughter-in-law. What's new now? It is a matter of thinking with pure thought. In this way, nomadic thoughts are destroyed by reasoning. A monk is born.
◆ Even such indecent photographs are printed in newspapers which make the youth unusual. In some Kachae fame, the girls wear only underwear and choli (brazier) which is wrong. Similarly, men are also seen wearing only briefs for the fame of underwear (kacha), which is a symbol of greatness. They should be closed. This requires a decent organization that struggles to curb this type of obscenity in a constitutional manner and provides good books to make human beings character, kind. Arrange for satsang
 Children who listen to good thoughts are moderate. It is seen that
 The daughter's husband went on his duty in the army a few days after the marriage.
 About eight-nine months does not come on leave. The husbands of some daughters go abroad for their employment and do not return even for three years. Those daughters live in moderation. Don't even see a non-male in a dream. They are the daughters of Uttam family. The man also stays in sobriety for so many days. Those children belong to a high house. Originally belong to the family. Those who are angry, keep staring. After cutting the head hair with a new style, wearing black-yellow goggles, they roam the street like dogs. They are nomadic. They destroy the inhabited house by committing some wrong act because they will call someone's sister-daughter nineteen-twenty-one which will cause a quarrel. Do not know how far the form of fighting becomes huge. Someone can also die. That one agony destroyed two houses. Therefore, your children should be thoughtful and characterful from childhood by preaching the words of satsang.

 Jagatguru Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
 Must see Sadhana TV at 7:30 pm.


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