Bodh Katha
This is called dung worm, this worm wakes up in the morning in search of cow dung and keeps making shells of cow dung all day long.
By dusk, a good amount of cow dung is formed. Then he takes this cow dung ball to his bill, after reaching the bill, he realizes that the ball is made big but the hole of the bill is small, despite many efforts, it cannot go into the ball bill.
It is a matter of thinking that not all of us have become like dung worms. Pura Jeevan is so entangled in earning money
When the last time comes, it is known that all these things cannot go together, how many lives we had spent in its affair were not able to consume it, and in collecting it, how many people broke their ties, neither Could give time to you.
This cow dung can kill a man's money-earning worm, if he understands it honestly.
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